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Life at OCADU from a recent grad

Since I published my new site, I have gotten a few inquries from people around Ontario asking about my experiece while studying at Ontario College of Art and Design University. So I just thought I would share one of my general emails to a student at Ryerson, looking to switch :)

Over the 4 years I was at OCADU, I had spent a lot of time at Ryerson, so I know that it is a great univerisity. In this email, I just shared a basic experience that many people who go to OCADU might have had.

Here is what I sent her:


Hi Aly,

Thanks for reaching out!

The advertising program has changed and morphed even while I was at OCADU, it's more real and hands on now than ever before. The program now offers the students the experience of working with real big name clients while pursing their final year. There is even a competition at the end that offers the winners a prize for all their hard work.

The first year during my studies at OCADU, was a general studies year of sort, I think they have changed that now and made it more core-centric towards your major. Through out the 4 years, there is a choice of various electives to choose from for the liberal and design courses. I took a photography course in 2nd year and you may choose to take one even in 3rd year. I took other graphic design courses that helped me create better ads for my core courses. In liberals, I chose economics, statistics, and many other business related courses offered during that school year. The university doesn't always offer the same courses every year for the electives though, but still there is a variety to choose from.

The laptop program offered gives students all the softwares they would need for their courses. So you would not need to worry about getting the softwares else where.

The Grad Ex (graduation show), offers the students an exhibit to showcase any of their work to everyone in the city, and many of the people who come are industry professional. I would advise you to get ready for that a few months before it starts. Many of my friends got jobs from that.

Hope this helped :)

You should go for a campus tour, they are held frequently. Check out: for more details. You may even check the "students" tad for the courses offered in the Advertising program.

Happy New Year!


Tania Makroo


If any one would like more information, don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for reading!

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